Annual Christmas at Chowan Concert Announced for Sunday, December 3rd
The Chowan Singers, Chamber Chorus, Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble and Community Chorus will present the annual Christmas at Chowan concert Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:00 PM.
The Music Department, working with Smart Start, is collecting toys for the children of Hertford County. A huge, wrapped Christmas box will be at the entrance of Turner Auditorium ready to receive unwrapped gifts. We are asking all who attend this free concert to bring an unwrapped gift for a child this Christmas. Your past contributions have made Christmas a joyous occasion for many children.
The program will open with the Wind Ensemble under the direction of Dr. Mary Hellmann, Chair of the Department of Music, performing an arrangement of the famous Christmas tune, Carol of the Bells. They will also present a suite from Tchaikovsky’s ballet The Nutcracker arranged for the ensemble that will be sure to bring back Christmas memories for many. The Jazz Band, under the direction of Dr. Christopher Cook, will perform standard Holiday fare, but in a variety of jazz styles. The second half of the program will present our new choral director, Jordan Cartrette leading the choir in a Sanctus with the addition of the timpani expertise of Ron Johnson. The Chowan Winds, University Singers and the Community Chorus will unite to perform, the Christmas Cantata, Let There Be Christmas, by Joseph Martin. This multi-movement continuous work for Chorus, Soloists, and Instrumental Ensemble, will be sure to please everyone, and is a most glorious celebration of the season. It includes traditional carols, original songs, and readings from the Christmas story. Reverend Mari Wiles will join us as the narrator for the cantata. The Music Department is able to present this concert with the support of The Friends of Music at Chowan University, their mission is to strengthen the Department’s work in training musicians, provide study opportunities, serve the university community and the public through performances and promote the Department and events by raising funds for operations.
-Establish music scholarships
-Assist students and faculty with the expenses of participating in conferences, auditions, competitions, and tours
-Assist with the acquisition of instructional materials, equipment, and instruments
-Assist with the improvement of facilities
-Fund the performances of guest artists
-Promote/recruit music majors and potential donors
-Assist with publicity
All people who love music and acknowledge its importance in our society are eligible for membership in The Friends of Music at Chowan. Contributions make a significant impact in the Arts at the University and in the community. Please complete a mailer at the concert and we will send you additional information.