School of Graduate Studies
The School of Graduate Studies builds on Chowan University’s strength in undergraduate education. For over 175 years, Chowan University students have excelled in a broad variety of academic disciplines and career fields. The School of Graduate Studies maintains this emphasis on academic excellence, service, and commitment to Christian higher education.
Currently, Chowan University offers a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership and a Master of Arts in Teaching.
Small classes, individual attention, and a faculty dedicated to teaching define the Chowan University academic experience. Graduate students will discover a challenging, academic environment of learning, mentoring, and professional growth.
Chowan University facilities are available to all graduate students, including Whitaker Library, the computer labs, the writing center, and the Jenkins Wellness Center. Graduate students also are encouraged to be active participants in student life by attending musical performances, plays, art shows, and athletic events.
Applications for admission are evaluated on a rolling basis throughout the year. Early submission of the application for admission and all supporting materials will increase the likelihood of being selected for admission.
$1,000 a year for any Chowan graduate accepted and actively enrolled in a Chowan graduate program beginning Fall 2022. Not to be combined with other institutional aid.
Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership (mol)
The Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership provides graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary for upper-level management positions. The course work consists of a Foundation Core, an Organizational Leadership Core, and a Culminating Experience. The curriculum focuses on skills required for leaders to have a positive influence on their organizations. Candidates in the program are provided with an in-depth study of the organizational leadership and management concepts that are relevant to every manager, regardless of the organization or industry.
The stated purpose of the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership program is to prepare leaders with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to further the mission of their organizations. Program graduates will have the skills to interpret and apply current research findings and conduct relevant leadership research. The program is designed to develop leaders that will positively influence organizations and communities through team building, financial stewardship, conflict resolution, and strategic planning. The courses require application and investigation through rigorous data collection and analysis.
The 30-semester-hour curriculum for the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership will be delivered from the Chowan University campus with the primary mode of instruction is asynchronous online instruction. However, students will have the option to take up to 25 percent of the coursework via face-to-face and/or synchronous instruction. These sessions will be recorded and made available to students unable to attend in-person or remotely at the time of the class meeting.
The Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership degree requires 30 credit hours, with a research paper or internship project as a culminating experience. The program consists of a Foundation Core, an Organizational Leadership Core, and a Culminating Experience.
Program Requirements (30 credit hours)
OL 501 – Leadership: Theories, Practices, and Context Credits: 3 Hours
OL 502 – Scholarly Writing, Thinking, and Practice Credits: 3 Hours
OL 503 – Organizational Communication Credits: 3 Hours
OL 504 – Conflict Management Credits: 3 Hours
OL 505 – Teams, Coaching & Mentoring Credits: 3 Hours
OL 506 – Financial Organizational Leadership Credits: 3 Hours
OL 507 – Leadership in Diverse Cultures Credits: 3 Hours
OL 508 – Organizational Development: Design, Intervention, and Evaluation Credits: 3 Hours
OL 509 – Ethics, Integrity, and Social Responsibility Credits: 3 Hours
OL 510 – Culminating Experience (Internship Project or Paper) Credits: 3 Hours
4+1 Program (MOL)
Chowan University students majoring in Mass Communication, Business Administration, Business, Criminal Justice, Psychology, and Sport Management who have a 3.25 or higher GPA after completion of seventy-six (76) hours are eligible to apply for the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership. Commonly known as the 4+1 Program, it allows students to complete an undergraduate and graduate degree in five (5) years. Students provisionally accepted into the program can take up to six (6) of the required thirty (30) graduate courses during their senior year. Graduate courses taken while an undergraduate student are included in full-time undergraduate tuition. Classes count toward both undergraduate and graduate degrees.
The Chowan University School of Education and Professional Studies offers a Master of Arts in Teaching in Elementary Education, Social Studies Education, Mathematics Education, English Education, and Comprehensive Science Education. The degree program is designed for individuals seeking an initial teaching license through the completion of graduate study. The coursework consists of a 21-hour Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Core designed to give students all of the skills they will need as a classroom teacher. The 9-hour culminating Clinical Practice Experience allows the student to work in a school-based clinical setting with the assistance of a mentoring teacher and the Clinical Experience University Supervisor. Students will gain the knowledge and skills to work effectively as teachers in their chosen content areas.
The stated purpose of the Master of Arts in Teaching program is to prepare teachers with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively engage with their students, the curriculum, educational leaders, and other members of the school community. Program graduates will have the skills to interpret and apply current research findings to promote effective teaching and learning. The program is designed to develop teachers who will positively influence their students, their colleagues, their schools, and the greater educational community. The courses require application and investigation through rigorous data collection and analysis, the implementation of effective learning strategies, and the application of knowledge to solve problems.
The Master of Arts in Teaching degree requires 30 credit hours, with clinical practice as a culminating experience. The program consists of a 21-credit hour Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Core with a 9-hour Clinical Practice Experience. Students will need to complete state assessments in their licensure area as well as the edTPA Assessment for licensure in North Carolina.
Program Requirements (30 credit hours) – Secondary Education: Comprehensive Science, English, Mathematics, and Social Studies
EDUC 502 – Analysis and Assessment of Student Learning Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 505 – Diversity in Education Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 510 – Advanced Curriculum and Instruction Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 530 – 21st Century Literacies Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 550 – Advanced Instructional Strategies Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 601 – Introduction to Exceptional Education Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 603 – Advanced Classroom Management Techniques Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 680 – Teaching Methods Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 681 – Supervised Teaching with Seminar Credits: 6 Hours
Program Requirements (30 credit hours) – Elementary Education
EDUC 502 – Analysis and Assessment of Student Learning Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 505 – Diversity in Education Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 516 – Foundations in Reading and Literacy Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 520 – Integrating Language Arts and Social Studies Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 521 – Integrating Mathematics and Science Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 601 – Introduction to Exceptional Education Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 603 – Advanced Classroom Management Techniques Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 680 – Teaching Methods Credits: 3 Hours
EDUC 681 – Supervised Teaching with Seminar Credits: 6 Hours
Apply for Admission
To apply to the School of Graduate Studies, applicants must:
- Submit an Application for Admission to the School of Graduate Studies.
- Pay the $50 non-refundable application fee. If paying with a check, make check payable to Chowan University. Applicants also may pay the application fee online by clicking here.
- Submit an official transcript of all previous academic work beyond high school, to be sent directly from each institution attended.
- Submit one letter of recommendation from a current or recent supervisor or faculty member that addresses your professional or academic abilities.
- Submit a typed, two-page maximum, personal statement.
- Submit a current resume.
- Have a 2.5 or higher in all course work at the undergraduate level.
- Students must have completed 24 semester hours of coursework in the licensure area (liberal arts or secondary education with a concentration in English, social studies, mathematics, or comprehensive science).
- Have a 2.7 or higher in all course work at the undergraduate level.
- Submit a professional resume or c.v.
- Submit a typed, two-page maximum, personal statement describing your rationale for pursuing the MAT.
- Submit three letters of recommendation.
- A satisfactory TOEFL score, unless English is the student’s native language or the language of instruction.
- Transcripts, certificates, and/or diplomas from any institution outside the United States. These must first be submitted to World Education Services (WES) for evaluation before being mailed to the School of Graduate Studies. Application for WES evaluations may be found at
- A Statement of Financial Responsibility, along with a letter from the student’s or sponsor’s bank showing the amount necessary to cover one year of graduate study.
- All application materials should be in place at least 90 days in advance of the beginning of the semester.
The Admissions Committee for the School of Graduate Studies will notify you of an admissions decision by mail after your admissions file is complete.
Graduate Programs

Coordinator, Master of Arts in Teaching

Coordinator, Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership;
Dean of the School of Graduate Studies;
Dean of the School of Undergraduate Studies;
Associate Professor of Business