From December 10th to 16th, a group of dedicated students and faculty from Chowan University embarked on a mission trip to Santiago de Cuba, where they selflessly served the local community. Led by Mari Wiles, this trip marked the first of three planned missions for the 2023-2024 year, showcasing Chowan University’s commitment to making a […]
Chowan University Board of Trustees Selects Dr. Rosemary M. Thomas as 24th President
In a special called meeting of the Chowan University Board of Trustees, the Presidential Search Committee, chaired by Jane Burke, presented the committee’s recommended presidential candidate to the full Board of Trustees as the next president of Chowan University. In a unanimous vote, Dr. Rosemary M. Thomas has been selected as the 24th — and […]
Provost Announces 2023 Dean’s List
To earn a place on the Dean’s List, a student must complete 12 or more credit hours during the semester and earn a semester GPA of 3.25 to 3.79. The following students have been designated Dean’s List honorees for Fall 2023: A’Naya AdamsTasia Adams-HuntleyHerbert AdemolaMargaret AhmesChristian BartholomewMadeline BellHenry BenitoHailey BeylorDevontay BlairRaelyn BlanchardCarly BrewerDeondre BrownYasmine BrownMakenzie […]
Dr. Moore Announces Fall 2023 President’s List Recipients
To earn a place on the President’s List, a student must complete 12 or more credit hours during the semester and earn a semester GPA of 3.8 or higher. The following students have been designated President’s List honorees for Fall 2023: Christian Allen Darrick Badley Jayden Bailey Harry Baker Nia Baskin Kaylee Bazemore Caleigh Bergling […]
Chowan University Marketing Team Presents at NCICU Conference
On Thursday, December 14th, Christopher “Chris” Whaley and Zoë Beale, both alumni of Chowan University, took the stage at the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities Conference held at Salem College. The duo delivered a captivating presentation titled “Digital Media and Branding: Now What?” which provided an in-depth analysis of Chowan’s rebranding as a Life […]
Al-Tariq “Al” Fewell Joins Chowan University Admissions
Chowan University is proud to announce the appointment of Al-Tariq “Al” Fewell as our most recent admissions counselor. A Shelby native, Fewell received his Bachelors Of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from Elizabeth City State University, where he spent time working in the administrative sector. In his role as an admissions counselor, Fewell will cover the […]
Chowan University hosts its first Advent Service in the Chowan Chapel
The Chowan University campus gathered on Monday, December 4th, to celebrate the first Advent Service in the newly constructed Chowan Chapel. Led by Reverend Mari Wiles, the students and faculty came together to present an enchanting advent pageant, recounting the timeless story of the three wise men visiting the Baby Jesus. The service featured a […]
Annual Christmas at Chowan Concert Delights Audience with Festive Performances
Christmas at Chowan
John M. Tayloe Retires from Chowan University after Three Decades of Service Above Self
Few individuals dedicate themselves to their work so fully; few put a cause – an institution – above themselves, time and time again. John M. Tayloe is one of those rare individuals. A Bertie County native and 1994 alumnus, Tayloe began his career at Chowan following his graduation, and time and time again, he has […]
Chowan University STEM Mentoring Program Travels to NCICU Workshop at Guilford College
On November 17th, seven student members of the STEM Mentoring Program at Chowan University, accompanied by Dr. Kyung-Hoon Lee, participated in the NCICU Career Workshop at Guilford College. The workshop provided an invaluable opportunity for these students to explore various career paths and gain insights into internship programs. As a Life Skills University, Chowan University […]