Chowan University Celebrates Steeple Raising for the Chowan Chapel
On Thursday, June 15, Chowan University observed a steeple raising for the Chowan Chapel. The Chowan Community was invited to the installation of this new campus icon. Many watched from Squirrel Park as the steeple made its way to its final destination on top of the Chowan Chapel.
The steeple arrived by truck from Campbellsville Industries, Campbellsville, Kentucky, on the morning of June 15th. Metal Tech of Murfreesboro balanced the spire as members of the construction crew attached the base that would connect the steeple to the belfry. By noon the spire was in place, and by 1:30 pm, the steeple was completed with a cross installed at the top.
“The raising of the steeple is a milestone for any worship center,” mentioned Andy Wilson, vice president for development and admissions. “For Chowan to place the steeple to the Chowan Chapel certainly was a memorable day. A steeple universally recognizes a building as a house of worship and helps the viewer raise their eyes toward heaven. It was a moving experience for everyone that attended or drove through campus.”
Completion of the chapel will be later this summer, with the dedication ceremony for the Chowan Chapel set for Thursday, September 28, 2023. To learn more about the Chowan Chapel, see live progress via webcams, and learn how you can contribute to this project, visit chowan.edu/chapel.
See the Facebook Live recap here.