Chowan University Ministerial Board Welcomes New Members, Board Chair, and Guest Presenters Marc and Kim Wyatt
On May 2, the Chowan University Ministerial Board of Associates (MBA) met for their Spring meeting. The MBA was pleased to welcome a new chairperson; new and returning members; and learn from guest presenters, Marc and Kim Wyatt.
Opening the meeting, Director of Church and Community Relations, Lou Ann Gilliam welcomed Rev. Pamela Taylor as the new chair for the Ministerial Board. Taylor, a loyal alumna, completed her associate degree from Chowan in 1983. In 2002 she received her Bachelor’s in Science in Business, and then to assist her in her ministry returned to Chowan to earn a secondBachelor’s in Religion. While at Chowan, she was a Chowan Christian Service Association (CCSA) Scholar and now serves on the CCSA Board. Taylor is the Program Manager at Choanoke Area Development Association, Inc (CADA) and recently retired as pastor of the Macedonia/Oak Grove AME Church Circuit. Taylor has been an active member of the MBA since 2016.
Taylor welcomed and introduced the following new members: Rev. Anna Anderson, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Field Personnel, Dr. Dennis Bazemore, retired pastor and university administrator; Dr. Jeff Crabtree, pastor, Harrellsville Baptist Church, Rev. Walter Elliott, associate pastor, First Baptist Murfreesboro; Rev. Brooks Gale, pastor, Boykins Baptist; Rev. Tyler Roach, associate pastor, The Memorial Baptist Church in Greenville, Rev. Roy Sharpe, pastor, St. John Second Baptist Church;
Rev. Johnnie Swann, retired pastor, United Methodist Church; Dr. Matt Thomas – Executive Director, Camp Cale.
Following the introductions, Taylor welcomed Interim President, Charles “Chuck” E. Taylor. President Taylor greeted the board and affirmed that Christian faith was “alive and well” at the University. The meeting continued with reports for the University featuring Andy Wilson, Vice President for Advancement and Minister to the University Rev. Mari E. Wiles.
Along with University updates, each Ministerial Board meeting offers members an educational opportunity to support ministers in their work. For this session, the MBA welcomed Marc and Kim Wyatt, CBF Global Field Personnel with Welcome House Raleigh (WHR). WHR is a housing ministry that assists refugees and immigrants with a place to live as they seek to resettle in the United States. The Wyatts shared with the group how they minister to refugees. They also led an exercise demonstrating the identity loss and struggle many refugees face.
The members enjoyed a fellowship lunch, and the opportunity to network with ministers from across the region. For more information about the Chowan Ministerial Board or Church and Community Relations, please contact Lou Ann Gilliam at