Month: September 2022

Baptists on Missions Leaders Relay Messages of Hope During Chowan University’s Taylor Religious Heritage Lectures

Richard Brunson receives gift from Brayden Conboy

Baptists on Missions Executive Director-Treasurer, Richard Brunson was the featured speaker at Chowan University’s annual Taylor Religious Heritage Lecture on Monday, September 19. Student ministry chaplain Brayden Conboy presented Brunson with a check to help Ukrainian refugees. Chowan Christian Service Association (CCSA) and Campus Ministry students hosted concession stands at a recent football game to raise money for BOM to serve Ukrainians.

2022 Honors College Induction

Honors College 2022

On the 22nd of September, Chowan University inducted fifty-one students into the Honors College at a ceremony conducted in Vaughan Auditorium. Dr. Whitaker and Prof. Patsy Taylor were guest speakers, […]

The President’s Partnership Initiative 

Chowan Scores High in National Survey

 Chowan University seeks to partner with local public schools, private schools, home school associations, and other community groups. Coordinating this effort is Dean of Accessibility Services and Professor of Education […]