“Protecting our Nest” update August 12, 2022
A message from the Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Montose Streeter, and Campus Nurse, Joy Taylor, sent on August 12, 2022:
In the more than two years since COVID-19 first affected our campus, the collective determination and resilience of Hawks Nation have been demonstrated again and again. The university has discontinued the campus dashboard updates and will rely on local, state, and national dashboard information. This communication includes links for the campus community to find up-to-date information:
North Carolina COVID-19 Dashboard | NC COVID-19 (ncdhhs.gov)
Vaccination Information | Albemarle Regional Health Services (arhs-nc.org)
Chowan University has moved to a mask-optional status for all areas. As the semester progresses, we continue to monitor CDC guidance, adhere to CDC requirements. and Governor Cooper’s executive mandates. Wearing masks does help contain the spread of disease, and so we also encourage wearing a mask if one is so inclined to do so, and we ask that we all be courteous and respectful of anyone who elects to wear a mask.
On August 11, 2022, the CDC updated its recommendations for COVID 19 protocols and practices. You may view the updated guidelines here.
Listed below are recommendations we encourage for our community:
Anyone who has not been fully vaccinated should strongly consider wearing a face covering indoors.
We have discontinued the campus surveillance testing however, individuals are encouraged to self-test prior to coming to campus. You may also bring your personal COVID 19 home tests to campus.
Members of the Chowan community are reminded that physical distance is one component of how to protect yourself and others. Ventilation has an important role when assessing the need to maintain physical distancing in hallways and other indoor spaces.
Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 are required to be isolated. Isolation begins the first day of the onset or the date of the positive test. We have isolation spaces on campus for students who choose not to isolate at home.
Comply with directives from University officials and public health authorities. Students, faculty, and staff are required to comply with directives related to monitoring, and adhering to isolation and quarantine requirements.
Comply with local and state laws and ordinances. This includes state and local directives for masking and mass gathering limitations when off campus.
When University and local ordinances are in conflict, members of the Chowan community must adhere to the more rigid set of requirements in regards to masking, social distancing, and mass gathering limitations.
Though vaccines are not required, they have proven to be effective and are the best protection we have. We encourage everyone who can be vaccinated to do so for the health and safety of themselves, others, and this place.
The top priority of the University is the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff, and campus community. The University will continue to develop and revise guidelines that address the expectations of all members of the community, personal safety practices, workplace environments, emotional wellbeing, on-campus visitors, modifications of facilities, and workplace education as we continue on-campus life.
Care for self. Care for others. Care for the community. Protect our nest!