Chowan University Welcomes New Academic Year with 175th Anniversary Convocation and Ringing of the Bell Ceremony
On September 6, Chowan University ushered in the new academic year with the 175th Anniversary Convocation and Ringing of the Bell Ceremony. Donned in academic regalia, the platform party and faculty marched into Handel’s Bouree played by University Pianist Dejuan Lee.
After the procession, University President Charles E. Taylor welcomed the class of 2027 to a “tradition that has spanned 175 years.” Following his remarks, Chief Faculty Marshal and Associate Professor of Accounting Shannon T. Williams delivered the invocation. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Danny B. Moore introduced the speaker, Rev. James D. Gailliard. Rev. Gailliard is the founder and senior pastor of Word Tabernacle Church based in Rocky Mount, NC.
Rev. Galliard delivered an inspirational address focusing on “open doors.” He encouraged the listeners to think of all the physical doors they regularly go through. He then transitioned to the metaphorical doors that they need to open while at Chowan. These are the doors of education, association, and dedication. He encouraged the students to persevere “through the doors” no matter what challenges may come their way.
Following Rev. Gallaird’s remarks, Director of Choral Activities Jordan V. Artrette led the assembly in the Alma Mater. In preparation for The Ringing of the Bell Ceremony, Dr. Moore described the Bell’s usage in the school’s early years. It was rung to “change classes, call students to chapel, and celebrate athletic victories.” Moore continued sharing that the Bell is now used to “establish a sense of community,” with students ringing the Bell at the start of their academic journey and ringing it again as they are about to graduate.
Before dismissing the assembly for the ceremony, Minister to the University Rev. Mari E. Wiles delivered a prayer of blessing. Exiting first from Turner Auditorium, faculty and staff lined either side of the Alumni Walk in front of the Susan Parker Kerr Gazebo. Students then walked through cheers and applause to ring the Bell. Welcome to Chowan University Class of 2027!