Chowan hosts Dr. Daynette Snead Perez at Chowan Christian Service Association Retreat
MURFREESBORO, NC –On Sunday, September 4, the Chowan Christian Service Association (CCSA) Scholars learned from Dr. Daynette Snead Perez at their annual retreat. Dr. Snead Perez shared personal experiences and led students through her book, CHURCH: What to do When Everyone Is Like You.
Dr. Snead Perez is an ordained minister, successful business owner, entrepreneur, and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s National Disaster Response Manager. She earned a Master of Divinity degree from Regent University and a Doctor of Divinity from Gardner-Webb University.
During the retreat, Dr. Snead Perez discussed her work with the Stranger to Neighbor Ministry and encouraged students to seek out intercultural friendships. She shared how she embraced intercultural ministries as an African-American woman when she was invited to be an associate pastor of First Chin Baptist Church, a Burmese refugee congregation in New Bern, NC.
Senior Business Administration major and football peer chaplain Jaylon Boyd shared, “I appreciate that the CCSA retreat helped us take a deep dive into our relationships with one another, the relationships we have with those we come in contact with, and those we try to reach every day through Christ.” Boyd continued by sharing, “it is very important to be willing to be uncomfortable when trying to build relationships with people that have different backgrounds and ethnicities. I really appreciate Dr. Snead Perez taking the time to deepen our understanding in this area.”
CCSA is a scholarship program for students who have expressed a calling into ministry. “Our CCSA Scholars are leaders in Campus Ministry. Many of them serve as student ministry chaplains and/or peer-to-peer athletic chaplains. Other CCSA scholars use their gifts through arts and music,” shared Director of Church and Community Relations, Lou Ann Gilliam, “Our goal is not only to provide the students with scholarships but also to nurture their calling in the ministry. The annual retreat has been an effective means of exposing students to a variety of ministry concepts. Dr. Daynette certainly fulfilled that for us with her Stranger to Neighbor discussion.”
The retreat was held in partnership with the Chowan Campus Ministry. Minister to the University Rev. Mari Wiles shared, “Dr. Snead Perez offered us a challenge, guidance, and grace to truly strive to be not only better neighbors but stronger brothers and sisters in Christ. I’m thrilled we were able to host such a brilliant and generous Christ follower.” Rev. Wiles and Dr. Snead Perez serve together on the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of NC Racial Equity and Justice Team. Through Rev. Wiles’s connection and with the aid of a grant from CBFNC, CCSA was able to host Dr. Snead Perez for the retreat.
For more information about Chowan Campus Ministry, contact Rev. Mari Wiles at If you would like to learn more about the Chowan Christian Service Association, please contact Lou Ann Gilliam at