COVID-19 Update | September 15, 2021
A message from Dr. Montrose Streeter, Vice President for Student Affairs:
Thank you to all members of the Chowan University campus community for continuing to embrace a spirit of concern and service by adhering to our community expectations. As we navigate this important time for our university and country, we must operate as ONE CHOWAN to successfully manage this Delta variant phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are grateful for the commitment of care for self, others, and this community which many of the “Hawks Nation” have approached the first weeks of the Fall 2021 semester.
With the health and safety of our campus community at the forefront, we are taking a conservative approach guided by the best information available from our Wellness Center, local medical providers, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). While we have had only six positive COVID cases on campus so far, we continue to be concerned by the case counts and transmissibility in this region. There has been a slight decrease in inpatient cases but requires continued monitoring to identify a continuing positive trend. We feel we need to continue to wear face masks over our nose and mouth on the inside whether vaccinated or not. If you are unvaccinated, you should also wear your mask when outside around others.
The campus community vaccination rates have risen slightly. Currently 64% of our faculty and staff have submitted vaccination cards and 45% of our students. Increased vaccinations improve our community’s protection from virus spread and more serious outcomes for those who do contract the virus. We are using random surveillance testing for CU community members who are not vaccinated each week.
Moving forward we continuing to emphasize vaccination and proper mask wearing indoors. The Wellness Center offers both Pfizer and Moderna for those desiring to be vaccinated. Simply call 252-398-6248 or come to Penny Hall 111 to schedule an appointment. Please take note of the signage throughout campus relative to our COVID 19 protocols.
The goal of our efforts is to manage through the continued and on-going threat of COVID-19 throughout the fall semester, and to protect our nest and minimize disruptions. All of us working together as a community, will help keep our case numbers low and the chance for hospitalization or worse. We must continue to be vigilant as we work together and support one another. We are SAFER TOGETHER and Chowan Strong!