Homecoming Reunions | 25 years and Half Century
As a part of the 2022 Homecoming, alumni from the classes of 1971 and 1972 were invited to attend the Half Century Circle recognition and reception. The event was hosted by President and Mrs. Kirk E. Peterson at the Ella Cobb Camp President’s Home on Saturday, October 15 at 10:00 a.m. Inductees into the Half Century Circle received a Chowan medallion to signify their class year(s) from President Peterson.
Also recognized at this event were alumni from the classes of 1996 and 1997 for their 25-year mark. These alumni received a CU pin from President Peterson. President Peterson congratulated the recipients on their achievements and thanked them for their dedication to their alma mater. Each recipient expressed appreciation and told some of their Chowan memories. A reception followed the ceremony.
Earl Arrington ’71
Gary James Downey ’72
Jeffrey Hale ‘72
Cynthia (Cyndi) Howell ’97
Gail Draper Lane ’72
Tommy Ray
Yolanda Stanley-Powell ’97