Board of Trustees Freeze Undergraduate Tuition for 2021-2022
Chowan University continues to support students from the uncertainties they face in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Board of Trustees has set tuition and fees so there is no increase in undergraduate tuition for the 2021-2022 school year. Dr. Kirk Peterson, University President shared, “Many of our new and returning students encounter challenges that threaten the traditional university experience. We are maintaining our commitment to provide students an accessible, affordable, and quality Christian higher education without increasing tuition.”
This decision follows Chowan’s historical pattern of having a notably low percent increase in tuition. In fact, the University has maintained one of the lowest percentage increases in tuition among the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU) institutions for several years. In addition to this newest tuition schedule, the University onboarded a new program earlier in the year to allow for scheduled payments for student’s tuition payment.