Graphic Communications Host Virtual Field trip for Alumna and Students
Chowan Graphic Communications alumna, Suzanna Christian ‘04 teaches Commercial Photography and Visual Arts at King William High School in King William, VA. She hurt for her students as they missed so many rites and rituals in their junior and senior years. Christian said that she “was pleased when her level four photography students came up with an idea to do a photography yearbook as a keepsake where they could be featured along with the other levels of photography.”
With the need for printing, Christian reached out to her former Chowan classmate, Graphic Communications Chair, Jennifer Groves Newton to see about the books being produced at Chowan. Out of that discussion, the two “came up with the idea for a virtual field trip to allow my students to learn about and see the printing and production process as their book was produced” stated Christian.
Through Zoom, Newton served as host and field questions on the virtual trip. Charles Futrell, Director of Printing Production, and Lauren Rodil Assistant Director for Printing Production gave a brief overview of the printing process and allowed the students to watch the printing as it happened on the very impressive new Xerox Iridesse. The students were given the ability to see how their digital files were transitioned into printed books. Rodil performed prepress and preflight on the files (preflight is checking to ensure the files will print as intended) while Futrell executed the printing. Students gained valuable information on digital processes, such as how to send their photography to prepress and how offset printing works.
Christian was grateful that she could introduce her students to this process and expose them to the unique opportunities in Chowan’s Graphic Communications program. When the “Photo Paper Books” arrived, Christian was elated with her students' delight. This book is certain to be treasured for many years to come. It will be a reminder of their “trip” to Chowan and their resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.