Boy Scout Gifts Hand-built tables to Chowan University
Four new sturdy picnic tables grace the outside of the Hawks Nest at Chowan University. These hand-built tables were gifted to the University on June 5, by Hertford County Early College rising junior, Hunter Nicholas “Nick” Adams in pursuit of his Eagle Scout Recognition.
In looking for a suitable project Nick brainstormed with his grandfather, Steven Lassiter, General Maintenance Supervisor for Chowan. Lassiter suggested outdoor seating in the high traffic area outside of the Hawks Nest to replace some of the well-worn concrete tables. Nick liked the suggestion and began researching designs. With Lassister’s advice, they settled on a table with components to withstand the elements.
Before Nick could begin building the tables, he secured permission from Chowan for acceptance of the tables and approval from the Boy Scouts of America-East Carolina Council. After going through all the proper channels, Nick sought to source supplies by taking his proposal to Lowe’s in Greenville, NC. He was gratefully surprised when former Boy Scout and store manager, Mike Ervin agreed for Lowe’s to donate all the lumber for the project.
Eagle Scout projects are not solo ventures. Lassiter cut the boards in accordance with the project safety protocols. Other members of Troop 129 assisted Nick with table assembly, the first one completed after six hours of labor. After a brief learning curve, the other tables came together more quickly. Later this summer, Lassiter and Nick will assist the other Scouts with their projects.
Grandfather and grandson enjoyed the reward of time together. Nick was “surprised at the amount of work we did together” and Lassiter says “that working with Nick was the best time he ever had working in his shop.” From this bonding labor of love, Chowan reaped the benefit of new picnic tables. Next time you are on campus, be sure to stop outside the Hawks Nest and have a seat.