Share the Well Week 2021
“Share the Well” Week is an annual February tradition hosted by Chowan University Campus Ministry. This year it was held on February 8-12. The theme comes from John 4 where Jesus encounters the “woman at the well” and offers her “living water.” Share the Well week gave the entire campus the opportunity to learn, pray, and “share the well.”
Guests were invited to speak virtually on how they “share the well” in Jesus’ name. On Monday, Missy Ward-Angalla, a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) missionary serving in Kampala, Uganda shared about what John 4 meant to her and also the work she is doing with the organization she founded, Amani Sasa. Amani Sasa is a Swahili term that translates “Peace Now.” Through Amani Sasa, Ward-Angalla provides services to refugees in Uganda. On Tuesday, Kim and Marc Wyatt, CBF Field Personnel shared about their work in the Research Triangle Area of North Carolina. In 2015, The Wyatts established Welcome House Raleigh to assist refugees with safe home and settlement services.
Wednesday’s activity centered on prayer. The Chowan community was invited to sign up for thirty minutes time-slots. Campus Ministry gave guidance on prayer inviting everyone to pray for Chowan, the community, relief from the pandemic, and the many great needs in the world. Ultimately, prayers were prayed that “God’s will would be done on earth as it is heaven.”
Acts of service were a part of the week. Student Ministry Chaplains “shared the well” by making goody bags for Residence Life staff. They also held a “Pop-Up: Meet the Chaplains” event. At the “Pop-Up” Chaplains served fellow students Chick-fil-A sandwiches and snacks to the student body.
The week ended with students “sharing the well” by packing food for the Backpack Buddies program. Students packed shelf-stable milk, cereal, and other food items to be shared with local elementary students in Hertford County. Making everything fit in the gallon bags was a challenge, fortunately, expert packers were able to figure how to get items in the bags.
In spite of the pandemic, this annual tradition made a meaningful impact in a creative way. To hear the virtual visitors or see more of what happened at Share the Well week be sure to visit the Chowan University Campus Ministry Facebook page.
Review the Video Recap below!