President White to Deliver Taylor Religious Heritage Lectures
M. Christopher White, President of Chowan University, will give this year’s Taylor Religious Heritage Lectures on Monday, September 28th, and Wednesday, September 30th, at 11:00 am in Turner Auditorium within Chowan’s historic Columns building.
Established in 1994, the Taylor Religious Heritage Lectures are funded by a generous endowment given by Dr. and Mrs. Hargus Taylor in order to provide strong Christian role models for generations of Chowan students and community members.
An ordained Baptist minister, Dr. White is recognized as one of the leading Baptist figures in North Carolina. From 1972-1975, he served as pastor of the Brookwood Baptist Church in Burlington. From 1986 until the present, he has served as president of a Baptist institution, first Gardner-Webb University,then Chowan University. In addition, he has done significant work with the Council on Christian Higher Education of the State Baptist Convention of North Carolina and the National Association of Southern Baptist Colleges and Schools.
For more information on the Taylor Religious Heritage Lectures, please contact Lou Ann Gilliam, Director of Church and Community Relations at Chowan University, at or (252) 398-6317.