Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
The Chowan University School of Education and Professional Studies offers a Master of Arts in Teaching in Elementary Education, Social Studies Education, Mathematics Education, English Education, and Comprehensive Science Education. The degree program is designed for individuals seeking an initial teaching license through the completion of graduate study. The coursework consists of a 21-hour Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Core designed to give students all of the skills they will need as a classroom teacher. The 9 hour culminating Clinical Practice Experience allows the student to work in a school-based clinical setting with the assistance of a mentoring teacher and the Clinical Experience University Supervisor. Students will gain the knowledge and skills to work effectively as teachers in their chosen content areas.
The stated purpose of the Master of Arts in Teaching program is to prepare teachers with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively engage with their students, the curriculum, educational leaders, and other members of the school community. Program graduates will have the skills to interpret and apply current research findings to promote effective teaching and learning. The program is designed to develop teachers who will positively influence their students, their colleagues, their schools, and the greater educational community. The courses require application and investigation through rigorous data collection and analysis, the implementation of effective learning strategies, and the application of knowledge to solve problems.