Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership (MOL)
The Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership provides graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary for upper-level management positions. The course work consists of a Foundation Core, an Organizational Leadership Core, and a Culminating Experience. The curriculum focuses on skills required for leaders to have a positive influence on their organizations. Candidates in the program are provided with an in-depth study of the organizational leadership and management concepts that are relevant to every manager, regardless of the organization or industry.
The stated purpose of the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership program is to prepare leaders with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to further the mission of their organizations. Program graduates will have the skills to interpret and apply current research findings and conduct relevant leadership research. The program is designed to develop leaders that will positively influence organizations and communities through team building, financial stewardship, conflict resolution, and strategic planning. The courses require application and investigation through rigorous data collection and analysis.