heerf reporting
Student Funds
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law on March 27, 2020 provides funding and flexibilities for higher education institutions to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the CARES Act, colleges and universities received funding through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). The first portion of funding requires institutions to provide emergency cash payments to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This includes, but is not limited to food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care. The Department of Education identifies eligible students to receive funds as those who completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or were eligible to complete a FAFSA for the 2019-2020 academic school year.k
Under the guidelines and suggestions outlined by the Department of Education to get HEERF funds to students as quickly as possible with consideration of financial need, Chowan University has elected to base the student cash distribution amounts on your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) which is a reflection of financial need. The lower the EFC resulting from your FAFSA, the higher the financial need.
To ensure a comprehensive and fair approach, Chowan developed a matrix (see below) based upon the total student cash payment amount allocated by the government ($1,307,163), the total number of eligible students (1,024), and each student’s respective EFC. Students who were actively enrolled at the conclusion of the first spring break date (Sunday, March 15, 2020) were deemed eligible students.
Group Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) Range Amount Per Student
Tier 1 EFC Range: 0 = $1,749.00
Tier 2 EFC Range: 1 – 200 = $1,549.56
Tier 3 EFC Range: 201 – 1,200 = $1,349.00
Tier 4 EFC Range:1,201 – 2,200 = $1,149.00
Tier 5 EFC Range: 2,201 – 3,200 = $949.00
Tier 6 EFC Range: 3,201 – 6,200 = $749.00
Tier 7 EFC above $6,201 or FAFSA not filed = $545.00
These funds may be used as you deem appropriate to cover costs you incurred associated with the disruption of educational services created by the Coronavirus pandemic. Eligible students were notified of the emergency relief funding via their Chowan University email on Monday, May 11, 2020 and paper checks were mailed between Wednesday, May 13, 2020 and Monday, May 18, 2020. To date, Chowan University has expensed $1,307,163.12 in emergency cash payments to eligible students.
Institutional Funds
In response to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Chowan University recently received an additional $1,307,163 for the second allocation of funds deemed Institutional Funds. These funds can be used by institutions to cover any cost associated with significant changes to the delivery of instructions due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This may include equipment and software purchases, online licensing fees, and other expenses associated with moving class to an online delivery model. We are happy to announce that Chowan University has elected to use nearly 90% of the funds allocated to provide credits to student accounts.
COVID-19 Pandemic Related Credit for Spring 2020 Residency Fees
Approved by the Chowan University Senior Staff May 2020
Methodology for Credit Eligibility/Calculations
The following represents the criteria and eligibility requirements employed to calculate individual student Residency Fee (meal plans and/or residential rooms) Credits resulting from the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic.
Eligibility for Consideration:
Students actively enrolled (not withdrawn nor suspended) at Chowan University as of Sunday, March 15, 2020.
Students whose Residential Fees were fully covered by Chowan University institutional aid (including Athletic Grant in Aid) grants/scholarships will not receive credit consideration.
Students who stayed on-campus in their residence hall and/or consumed meals from Sunday, March 15, 2020 through the end of the Spring 2020 semester will not receive credit consideration for room usage and meals consumed.
Students who were ineligible to submit and complete a Free Application for Student Financial Aid are excluded from credit consideration as mandated by the Department of Education.
Meal Plan Factors:
Meal Plan calendar for the Spring 2020 semester consisted of a total of 103 days.
Fifty-four (54) of the 103 days were served as scheduled resulting in a maximum of forty-nine (49) days affected by the Pandemic.
Each student meal plan calculation is subject to the meal plan selected and charged to your student account factored by the meal plan percentage of institutional aid awarded.
The unused meals remaining were used as the basis of your meal plan credit calculation factored by the number of meals you consumed beginning Sunday, March 15, 2020 until the end of the Spring 2020 semester which was extended to Friday, May 15, 2020 through the supper meal.
Room Factors:
Residency calendar for the Spring 2020 semester consisted of a total of 116 days
Sixty-three (63) of the 116 residential days had passed before Sunday, March 15, 2020 resulting in a maximum of fifty-three (53) residential days affected by the Pandemic.
Each student residential calculation is subject to the type of Residential Fee selected and charged to your student account factored by the residential percentage of institutional aid awarded.
The unused residential days remaining (53) were used as the basis of your residency fee credit calculation to include a percentage for cleaning/sanitizing factored by the number of days you tapped into your room greater than 3 days after Sunday, March 15, 2020.
Students who tapped into their room in excess of three (3) calendar days after March 15, 2020 were charged for each day they accessed their room.
Graduating Seniors – Credit Guidelines:
Impacted graduating residential students meeting all requirements for graduation by May 2020 (as confirmed by the Registrar) will receive a credit based upon the credit eligibility/calculation factors above to their student account.
Students will have the credit applied to any balance remaining on their student account first.
Graduating students with a resulting credit balance on their student account will receive a refund check mailed to them on, or before, June 1, 2020.
Eligible Returning Students – Credit Guidelines:
Impacted returning students will receive a “CU Cares Credit” for the Fall 2020 subject to the eligibility/credit calculations criteria above.
Students will have the “CU Cares Credit” matching the calculation above applied to any balance remaining on their student account first with any remaining portion of the “CU Cares Credit” to be added to the student’s Fall 2020 account.
Students with an existing zero balance on their student account who are deemed eligible by the above eligibility/guidelines will receive their Residency Fee credit calculation in the form of a “CU Cares Credit” added to the student’s Fall 2020 account.
Eligible Returning Students Who Do Not Return Fall 2020 – Credit Guidelines:
Impacted eligible returning students who do not return for the Fall 2020 semester will receive a “CU Cares Credit” for Spring 2020 subject to the eligibility/credit calculations criteria above awarded after the Fall 2020 census date (September 2020).
Students will have the “CU Cares Credit” matching the calculation above applied to any balance remaining on their student account first.
Should your “CU Cares Credit” result in a credit balance on your student account after Fall 2020 census, the credit balance will be issued as a refund to the student in October 2020.
Students who have a credit balance on their student account that are not returning or have been suspended for the Fall 2020 semester may petition to have their credit balance on their student account refunded prior to October 2020 by completing this form.
Chowan University understands the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic and trust that the significant efforts taken to arrive at these charge reductions will provide a measure of financial relief. Should you have any questions, please contact the Business Office at (252) 398-6290. We ask for your patience as our typical call volume may be elevated, but know that your questions are important to us. We will address every inquiry as quickly as possible. May God continue to bless you and your family. Together, we are Chowan strong!
CARES Act HEERF Funds Update as of August 7, 2020:
On April 14, 2020, Chowan University signed and returned to the Department of Education the Funding Certification and Agreement Form noting a total grant amount of $2,614,325. Students enrolled in a traditional class setting at Chowan University on March 15, 2020 meeting the criteria established by the CARES Act were eligible to receive consideration for the Emergency Grant Assistance.
On April 28, 2020, Chowan University received $1,307,163 through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) identified as Student Funds which were distributed to eligible students as “Cash Payments.” To ensure a comprehensive and fair approach, the University developed a matrix based upon each student’s respective Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) as determined by a student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA ranges employed to determine the amount of a student “Cash Payment” is listed below:
Tier 1: Eligible Students with an EFC of 0 received $1,749.00
Tier 2: Eligible Students with an EFC range of 1 – 200 received $1,549.56
Tier 3: Eligible Students with an EFC range of 201 – 1,200 received $1,349.00
Tier 4: Eligible Students with an EFC range of 1,201 – 2,200 received $1,149.00
Tier 5: Eligible Students with an EFC range of 2,201 – 3,200 received $949.00
Tier 6: Eligible Students with an EFC range of 3,201 – 6,200 received $749.00
Tier 7: Eligible Students with an EFC range above 6,200 received $545.00
Eligible students were notified of the emergency relief funding via their Chowan University email account on Monday, May 11, 2020. Paper checks were mailed to student home addresses between Wednesday, May 13 and Monday, May 18, 2020. To date, Chowan University has expensed a total of $1,307,163.12 in Student Emergency Cash Payments to 1,024 eligible students. All HEERF Student Emergency Financial Grants have been exhausted.
On May 6, 2020, Chowan University received the second half of the HEERF grant ($1,307,162) deemed Institutional Funds. These funds can be used by the University to cover cost associated with significant changes to the delivery of instructions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This may include equipment and software purchases, online licensing fees, and other expenses associated with moving classes to an online delivery model. Chowan University elected to provide eligible student credits to their accounts receivable for missed meals and a percentage of unused boarding dates beginning on Sunday, March 15, 2020 with the supper meal. To date, Chowan University has expensed $1,026,398.38 through the application of a CU Cares Credit to a respective 949 student accounts of the eligible 1,024 students.
Students were notified via their Chowan University email account of the disbursement amount of the CU CARES Credit to their respective student account. Student accounts resulting in a credit balance were handled via the following:
- -Graduating Students received a refund of their credit balance upon confirmation from the Registrar’s Office of meeting all graduation requirements.
- -Students who identify themselves as not returning for the fall 2020 semester via a web form provided by the University requesting a refund of their credit balance was approved and refunded upon confirmation of not returning by the Academic Success Office.
- -Students expected to return for the fall 2020 semester who have not identified themselves as not returning will have their credit balance available to offset fall 2020 cost of attendance.
CARES Act HEERF Funds Update as of October 1, 2020:
Chowan University has processed and is preparing to distribute by mail refund checks for the students who have a credit balance on their account due to the CU CARES Credit from Spring 2020 and who did not return to Chowan University for the Fall 2020 semester.
Cares Act HEERF Institutional Funds Update as of September 30, 2020 reported October 28, 2020
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) , 18004(a)(2), and 18004(a)(3) please click the pdf below associated with this reporting period.
Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) – Q1 – 09/30/2020
Cares Act HEERF Institutional Funds Update as of December 31, 2020 reported January 8, 2021
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) , 18004(a)(2), and 18004(a)(3) please click the pdf below associated with this reporting period.
Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) – Q1 – 12/31/2020
Cares Act HEERF Institutional Funds Update as of March 31, 2021 reported April 9, 2021 – Final
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1), 18004(a)(2), and 18004(a)(3) please click the pdf here associated with this reporting period.
CRRSAA – HEERF II Student Aid Portion
The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) provides emergency funding to universities to assist students in need due to the coronavirus pandemic. The U.S. Department of Education has made a portion of these funds available to Chowan University and has allocated the funds to provide support for degree-seeking students that have experienced financial challenges because of the pandemic related to any component of their cost of attending school (i.e. tuition, food, housing, health/mental health care, childcare, etc.).
Chowan University has been awarded $1,307,163 from the CRRSAA – HEERF II Student Aid Portion to provide emergency grants to eligible students and is required to prioritize grants to students with exceptional financial need, such as those who receive Pell Grants. The Department of Education identifies eligible students to receive funds as those who completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or were eligible to complete a FAFSA for the 2020-2021 academic school year.
Under the guidelines and suggestions set forth by the Department of Education, Chowan University has elected to use the following criteria to determine the students’ cash distribution amounts. The calculation criteria included the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) per the 2020-21 FAFSA, Academic Division (Undergraduate/Graduate Program), Residential Status (Residential/Commuter), and credit hours enrolled as of March 5, 2021. Students must be degree seeking, enrolled in six or more credit hours, and eligible to complete a 2020-21 FAFSA to be considered for CRRSAA – HEERF II Student Aid Funding.
The University has developed the following matrix to ensure a fair and comprehensive approach to allocate the $1,307,163 in funds provided through CRRSAA – HEERF II Student Aid Funding.
Undergraduate | Residential Students | Enrolled in 12 + Credit Hours
Tier 1 EFC Range: 0 = $1,700
Tier 2 EFC Range: 1 -200 = $1,625
Tier 3 EFC Range: 201 -1,200 = $1,550
Tier 4 EFC Range: 1,201 – 2,200 = $1,475
Tier 5 EFC Range: 2,201 – 3,200 = $1,400
Tier 6 EFC Range: 3,201 – 6,200 = $1,325
Tier 7 EFC Range: 6,201 – 999,999 = $1,250
Undergraduate | Commuting Students | Enrolled in 12 + Credit Hours
Tier 1 EFC Range: 0 = $1,260
Tier 2 EFC Range: 1 -200 = $1,185
Tier 3 EFC Range: 201 -1,200 = $1,110
Tier 4 EFC Range: 1,201 – 2,200 = $1,035
Tier 5 EFC Range: 2,201 – 3,200 = $960
Tier 6 EFC Range: 3,201 – 6,200 = $885
Tier 7 EFC Range: 6,201 – 999,999 = $810
Undergraduate | Residential Students | Enrolled in 6 – 11 Credit Hours
Tier 1 EFC Range: 0 = $1,605
Tier 2 EFC Range: 1 -200 = $1,530
Tier 3 EFC Range: 201 -1,200 = $1,455
Tier 4 EFC Range: 1,201 – 2,200 = $1,380
Tier 5 EFC Range: 2,201 – 3,200 = $1,305
Tier 6 EFC Range: 3,201 – 6,200 = $1,230
Tier 7 EFC Range: 6,201 – 999,999 = $1,155
Undergraduate | Commuting Students | Enrolled in 6 – 11 Credit Hours
Tier 1 EFC Range: 0 = $1,190
Tier 2 EFC Range: 1 -200 = $1,115
Tier 3 EFC Range: 201 -1,200 = $1,040
Tier 4 EFC Range: 1,201 – 2,200 = $965
Tier 5 EFC Range: 2,201 – 3,200 = $890
Tier 6 EFC Range: 3,201 – 6,200 = $815
Tier 7 EFC Range: 6,201 – 999,999 = $740
Graduate | Residential Students | Enrolled in 9 Credit Hours
Tier 1 EFC Range: 0 = $1,650
Tier 2 EFC Range: 1 -200 = $1,575
Tier 3 EFC Range: 201 -1,200 = $1,500
Tier 4 EFC Range: 1,201 – 2,200 = $1,425
Tier 5 EFC Range: 2,201 – 3,200 = $1,350
Tier 6 EFC Range: 3,201 – 6,200 = $1,275
Tier 7 EFC Range: 6,201 – 999,999 = $1,200
Graduate | Commuting Students | Enrolled in 9 Credit Hours
Tier 1 EFC Range: 0 = $1,185
Tier 2 EFC Range: 1 -200 = $1,110
Tier 3 EFC Range: 201 -1,200 = $1,035
Tier 4 EFC Range: 1,201 – 2,200 = $960
Tier 5 EFC Range: 2,201 – 3,200 = $885
Tier 6 EFC Range: 3,201 – 6,200 = $810
Tier 7 EFC Range: 6,201 – 999,999 = $735
Graduate | Residential Students | Enrolled in 6 Credit Hours
Tier 1 EFC Range: 0 = $1,575
Tier 2 EFC Range: 1 -200 = $1,500
Tier 3 EFC Range: 201 -1,200 = $1,425
Tier 4 EFC Range: 1,201 – 2,200 = $1,350
Tier 5 EFC Range: 2,201 – 3,200 = $1,275
Tier 6 EFC Range: 3,201 – 6,200 = $1,200
Tier 7 EFC Range: 6,201 – 999,999 = $1,125
Graduate | Commuting Students | Enrolled in 6 Credit Hours
Tier 1 EFC Range: 0 = $1,170
Tier 2 EFC Range: 1 -200 = $1,095
Tier 3 EFC Range: 201 -1,200 = $1,020
Tier 4 EFC Range: 1,201 – 2,200 = $945
Tier 5 EFC Range: 2,201 – 3,200 = $870
Tier 6 EFC Range: 3,201 – 6,200 = $789
Tier 7 EFC Range: 6,201 – 999,999 = $720
The Department of Education’s intentions for the CRRSAA – HEERF II Student Aid Funds are to help cover any component of the cost of attendance and/or emergency costs that arise due to the coronavirus. Examples of these costs are tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health) and childcare. These funds can be used to pay toward a student’s account balance, if they choose. Once the check has been received, the student may then use the funds to make a payment toward their account. Chowan University will not hold or apply these funds directly to any charges on a student’s account.
Eligible students were notified of the CRRSAA – HEERF II Student Aid Funds via their Chowan University email on Monday, March 15, 2021. To date, Chowan University has expensed $1,307,164 in emergency cash payments to 904 eligible students.
CRRSAA – HEERF II Student Aid Portion Funds Update as of June 30, 2021 – Final:
As of June 30, 2021, $1,307,164 in emergency cash payments have been disbursed to students from this program.
CRRSAA – HEERF II Institutional Portion
CRRSAA – HEERF II Institutional Funds Update as of June 30, 2021, reported July 9, 2021:
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CRRSAA – HEERF II section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf attached here associated with this reporting period.
CRRSAA – HEERF II Institutional Funds Update as of September 30, 2021, reported October 8, 2021:
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CRRSAA – HEERF II section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf attached here associated with this reporting period.
ARP Act – HEERF III Student Aid Portion Funds Update as of February 10, 2022:
With the recent extension by the government of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) end date to May 13, 2022, Chowan University has opted to split the HEERF IIII direct payment to students into two payment dates. The first payment date was processed on October 7, 2021, equaled $1,766,227 dollars, and was distributed to degree seeking students (830 eligible students) enrolled for the fall semester as of October 5, 2021.
The second payment date is scheduled for February 10, 2022 and will equal $1,768,115 dollars to be distributed to degree seeking students enrolled for the spring semester as of February 9, 2022. The spring 2022 HEERF III direct student payment amount each student will receive is determined by the following matrix based upon student division, enrollment status, residential status, eligibility date, and financial need (Expected Family Contribution (EFC)) as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must be in a degree seeking program, with traditional undergraduate students enrolled minimally for six (6) credit hours.
Traditional Undergraduate Students Enrolled 12+ Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $2,505.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $2,405.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $2,305.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $2,205.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $2,105.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $2,005.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $1,905.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,905.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,830.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,730.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,630.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,530.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,430.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,330.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $1,230.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,230.00
Traditional Undergraduate Students Enrolled 6 – 11 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $2,000.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,900.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,800.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,700.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,600.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,500.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $1,400.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,400.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,400.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,300.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,200.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,100.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,000.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $900.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $800.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $800.00
Adult Degree Completion Program Students Enrolled 12+ Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $2,000.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,900.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,800.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,700.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,600.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,500.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $1,400.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,400.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,405.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,305.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,205.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,105.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,005.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $905.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $805.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $805.00
Adult Degree Completion Program Students Enrolled 6 – 11 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,960.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,860.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,760.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,660.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,560.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,460.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $1,360.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,360.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,380.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,280.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,180.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,080.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $980.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $880.00
Students with a EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………….. $780.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $780.00
Teacher Education Residency Program (Not Eligible due Not Degree Seeking Program)
Graduate Program Students Enrolled for 9 + Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $2,230.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $2,130.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $2,030.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,930.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,830.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,730.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $1,630.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,630.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,560.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,460.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,360.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,260.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,160.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,060.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $960.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $960.00
Graduate Program Students Enrolled for 4 – 8.99 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $2,005.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,905.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,805.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,705.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,605.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,505.00
Student with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………….. $1,405.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,405.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,405.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,305.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,205.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,105.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,005.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $905.00
Student with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………….. $805.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $805.00
Graduate Program Students Enrolled for 3 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,600.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,500.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,400.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,300.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,200.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,100.00
Student with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………….. $1,000.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,000.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,120.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,020.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………….. $920.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………….. $820.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $720.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $620.00
Student with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………….. $520.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $520.00
ARP Act – HEERF III Student Aid Portion
ARP Act – HEERF III Student Aid Portion Funds Update as of June 30, 2021:
As of June 30, 2021, Chowan University has been allocated $3,532,454 in ARP Act – HEERF III Student Aid Portion Funds. Details regarding emergency payments will be provided after the Fall 2021 census.
With the recent extension by the government of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) end date to May 13, 2022, Chowan University has opted to split the HEERF IIII direct payment to students into two payment dates. The first payment date is scheduled for October 7, 2021, and will equal $1,766,227 dollars to be distributed to degree-seeking students enrolled for the fall semester as of October 5, 2021 (947 eligible students). The fall 2021 HEERF III direct student payment amount each student will receive is determined by the following matrix based upon student division, enrollment status, residential status, eligibility date, and financial need (Expected Family Contribution (EFC)) as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must be in a degree-seeking program, with traditional undergraduate students enrolled minimally for six (6) credit hours.
Traditional Undergraduate Students Enrolled 12+ Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $2,210.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $2,010.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,910.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,810.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,710.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,610.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,635.40
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,535.40
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,335.40
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,235.40
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,135.40
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $1,035.40
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,035.40
Traditional Undergraduate Students Enrolled 6 – 11 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,600.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,500.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,400.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,300.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,200.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $1,100.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,100.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,258.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,158.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,058.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………….. $958.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $858.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $758.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $658.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $658.00
Adult Degree Completion Program Students Enrolled 12+ Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,506.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,406.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,306.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,206.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,106.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,006.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $906.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $906.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,114.44
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,014.44
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………….. $914.44
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………….. $814.44
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $714.44
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $614.44
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $514.44
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $514.44
Adult Degree Completion Program Students Enrolled 6 – 11 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,506.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,406.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,306.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,206.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,106.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,006.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $906.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $906.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,114.65
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,014.65
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………….. $914.65
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………….. $814.65
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $714.65
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $614.65
Students with a EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………….. $514.65
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $514.65
Teacher Education Residency Program (Not Eligible due Not Degree Seeking Program)
Graduate Program Students Enrolled for 9 + Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,925.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,825.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,725.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,625.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,525.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,425.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $1,325.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,325.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,425.50
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,325.50
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,225.50
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,125.50
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,025.50
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $925.50
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $825.50
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $825.50
Graduate Program Students Enrolled for 4 – 8.99 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,800.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,700.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,600.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,500.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,400.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,300.00
Student with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………….. $1,200.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $1,200.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,332.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $1,232.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $1,132.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $1,032.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $932.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $832.00
Student with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………….. $732.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $732.00
Graduate Program Students Enrolled for 3 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $1,000.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC…………………………………………………… $900.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………….. $800.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………….. $700.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $600.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $500.00
Student with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………….. $400.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $400.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC……………………………………………………………… $740.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC…………………………………………………… $640.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………….. $540.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………….. $440.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $340.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $240.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………….. $140.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $140.00
Chowan University will announce the spring 2022 HEERF III Direct Payment schedule in the coming weeks. The spring 2022 direct payment will follow the criteria listed above subject to the number of students enrolled in the spring 2022 semester and a census date to be determined.
ARP Act – HEERF III Student Aid Portion Funds Update as of December 31, 2021:
The University has disbursed direct payments of $510 in additional ARP student aid funds.
ARP Act – HEERF III Student Aid Portion Funds Update as of June 30, 2022:
The University has disbursed direct payments of $107 in additional ARP student aid funds.
SAIHE – Supplemental Assistance to Institutions of Higher Education (SAIHE) Update as of November 18, 2022:
As of November 18, 2022, Chowan University has been allocated $640,543 in Supplemental Assistance to Institutions
of Higher Education Funds.
Chowan University has opted to utilize the funds for fall 2022 enrollment. The payment date is scheduled for November 18, 2022, and will equal $637,838 dollars to be distributed to degree-seeking students enrolled for the fall semester as of November 8, 2022 (827 eligible students). The SAIHE direct student payment amount each student will receive is determined by the following matrix based upon student division, enrollment status, residential status, eligibility date, and financial need (Expected Family Contribution (EFC)) as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Traditional Undergraduate Students Enrolled 12+ Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC……………………………………………………..… $1,130.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC…………………………………………….… $1,030.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $930.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $830.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $730.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $630.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $530.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $530.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC………………………………………………………..… $675.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $610.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………… $545.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $480.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $415.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $350.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………….…… $285.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………….…. $285.00
Traditional Undergraduate Students Enrolled 6 – 11 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………….…… $815.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC……………………………………….….…… $715.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $615.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $515.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $415.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………… $315.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………..… $215.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………….…. $215.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $488.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………….……… $423.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC……………………………………..….….. $358.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………….. $293.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $228.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $163.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………….… $98.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………….. $98.00
Adult Degree Completion Program Students Enrolled 12+ Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $850.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC……………………………………….………… $750.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC……………………………………..….….. $650.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………….….…… $550.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC……………………………………..…… $450.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC……………………………………..…… $350.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $250.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $250.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $510.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC……………………………………………..…… $445.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………….. $380.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………….. $315.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $250.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $185.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $120.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $120.00
Adult Degree Completion Program Students Enrolled 6 – 11 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………..……… $815.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $715.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………..………….. $615.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC……………………………………….… $515.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC……………………………………….… $415.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC……………………………………….… $315.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………… $215.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $215.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC…………………………………………………………… $488.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC……………………………………………..…… $423.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………….. $358.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………….. $293.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $228.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $163.00
Students with a EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………….. $98.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $98.00
Teacher Education Residency Program (Not Eligible due Not Degree Seeking Program)
Graduate Program Students Enrolled for 9 + Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC………………………………………………………… $900.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………. $800.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………. $700.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC……………………………………….. $600.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC……………………………………..… $500.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC……………………………………..… $400.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………… $300.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $300.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC……………………………………………………..……$540.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC…………………………………………………$475.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………….…….. $410.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………… $345.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………… $280.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC…………………………………….…… $215.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………..… $150.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………… $150.00
Graduate Program Students Enrolled for 4 – 8.99 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC………………………………………………………….$800.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC……………………………………………….. $700.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC………………………………………….. $600.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC…………………………………………$500.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC……………………………………….. $400.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC……………………………………..… $300.00
Student with an EFC $6,201 or Higher……………………………………….. $200.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………. $200.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC……………………………………………………………$485.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC………………………………………………… $420.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………….. $355.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC…………………………………………. $290.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC…………………………………………. $225.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC…………………………………………. $160.00
Student with an EFC $6,201 or Higher…………………………………………. $95.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA……………………………………………… $95.00
Graduate Program Students Enrolled for 3 Credit Hours
Residential Students
Students with a $0 EFC……………………………………………………….…… $700.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC……………………………………………..…… $600.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC…………………………………………….. $500.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC………………………………………….. $400.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC………………………………………….. $300.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC………………………………………….. $200.00
Student with an EFC $6,201 or Higher………………………………………….. $100.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………. $100.00
Commuter Students
Students with a $0 EFC……………………………………………………………… $420.00
Students with a $1 to $200 EFC……………………………………………….…… $355.00
Students with a $201 to $1,200 EFC……………………………………………….. $290.00
Students with a $1,201 to $2,200 EFC……………………………………………… $225.00
Students with a $2,201 to $3,200 EFC……………………………………………. ..$160.00
Students with a $3,201 to $6,200 EFC……………………………………………… $95.00
Students with an EFC $6,201 or Higher…………………………………………….. $30.00
Students who did not file a FAFSA………………………………………………….. $30.00
ARP Act – HEERF III Institutional Portion
ARP Act – HEERF III Institutional Funds Update as of June 30, 2021, reported July 9, 2021:
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under ARP Act – HEERF III section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf attached here associated with this reporting period.
ARP Act – HEERF III Institutional Funds Update as of September 30, 2021, reported September 8, 2021:
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under ARP Act – HEERF III section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf attached here associated with this reporting period.
ARP Act – HEERF III Institutional Funds Update as of December 31, 2021, reported January 7, 2022:
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under ARP Act – HEERF III section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf here associated with this reporting period. Note – the new reporting format released by the Department of Education now includes all institutional funds provided as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to include HEERF I, II, CRRSSAA, ARP, MSI, and others.
ARP Act – HEERF III Institutional Funds Update as of March 31, 2022, reported April 08, 2022:
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under ARP Act – HEERF III section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf here associated with this reporting period. Note – the new reporting format released by the Department of Education now includes all institutional funds provided as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to include HEERF I, II, CRRSSAA, ARP, MSI, and others.
ARP Act – HEERF III Institutional Funds Update as of June 30, 2022, reported July 08, 2022:
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under ARP Act – HEERF III section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf here associated with this reporting period. Note – the new reporting format released by the Department of Education now includes all institutional funds provided as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to include HEERF I, II, CRRSSAA, ARP, MSI, and others.
ARP Act – HEERF III Institutional Funds Update as of September 30, 2022, reported October 06, 2022:
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under ARP Act – HEERF III section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf here associated with this reporting period. Note – the new reporting format released by the Department of Education now includes all institutional funds provided as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to include HEERF I, II, CRRSSAA, ARP, MSI, and others.
ARP Act – HEERF III Institutional Funds Update as of December 31, 2022, reported January 06, 2023:
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under ARP Act – HEERF III section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf here associated with this reporting period. Note – the new reporting format released by the Department of Education now includes all institutional funds provided as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to include HEERF I, II, CRRSSAA, ARP, MSI, and others.
ARP Act – HEERF III Institutional Funds Update as of March 31, 2023, reported April 06, 2023:
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under ARP Act – HEERF III section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf here (please change using the attached document) associated with this reporting period. Note – the new reporting format released by the Department of Education now includes all institutional funds provided as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to include HEERF I, II, CRRSSAA, ARP, MSI, and others.
ARP Act – HEERF III Institutional Funds Update as of June 30, 2023, reported July 10, 2023 (final report):
To access Chowan University’s Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under ARP Act – HEERF III section 314(a)(1), and 314(a)(2) please click the pdf here (please change using the attached document) associated with this reporting period. Note – the new reporting format released by the Department of Education now includes all institutional funds provided as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to include HEERF I, II, CRRSSAA, ARP, MSI, and others.
Institutions receiving HEERF funds must complete annual reporting. You can view reporting here.
2021 Report Link – https://covid-relief-data.ed.gov/report/heer-v1/apr/075574434/2020
2022 Report Link – https://covid-relief-data.ed.gov/report/apr/heer/075574434/2021
2023 Coming Soon
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One University Place
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