Chowan University Campus Ministry hosts 2021 Chowan Cares Week
Chowan University Campus Ministry hosts 2021 Chowan Cares Week
“For real?” questioned senior James Thomas as his eyes grew wide upon learning that an estimated 40.3 million people are enslaved around the world. This startling information from the Red Sand Project was shared with Thomas on Tuesday of Campus Ministries Chowan Cares Week. The Red Sand Project is an awareness campaign to draw attention to the enormous problem of human slavery. For the project, participants are given a small bag of red sand to fill in the cracks in the sidewalk to make visible these invisible people that are being trafficked. Within two hours, over 230 bags of sand were emptied and the pavement bore bright red streaks from McDowell Columns Hall to Whitaker Library.
Along with participating in this national effort, students were given the opportunity each day to show that Chowan Cares. During lunch on Monday, students created Thanksgiving cards for those experiencing homelessness in Portland, Maine. Preble Street, an organization that assists the vulnerable in Portland, is a former mission site for Campus Ministry. The 108 cards that the students crafted will be given out with Thanksgiving meals by the Preble Street volunteers.
On Wednesday of Chowan Cares Week, a student eagerly asked the Minister to the University, Rev. Mari Wiles, “What are we doing today?” Students graciously paused during their lunch to write a thank you on encouragement posters for Chowan’s Cafeteria, Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Public Safety staff.
Encouraging acts continued for the rest of Chowan Cares Week. Murfreesboro’s Riverview Elementary School was the focus for Thursday. Students packed goody bags for teachers and staff. And on Friday, students were given the opportunity to write thank you cards to faculty, staff, and coaches.
“Chowan Cares is about doing something for others and not for ourselves” shared Rev. Wiles. “I was pleased by the high participation of the Chowan community during the week, our students demonstrated that Chowan truly does care about others.”
For more information about Chowan Cares or Chowan Campus Ministry, you may contact Rev. Mari Wiles at