Mary Breeden Honored with Spirit of Chowan Award
On Monday, August 17th, Dr. and Mrs. Peterson visited the home of Mary Breeden to present her with an award bestowed only twelve other times – The Spirit of Chowan Award.
Dr. Peterson shared, “Mary Breeden will never be found in the spotlight, but all of us recognize her special touch in helping Chowan put her best foot forward. She has taken pride and a special interest in making sure all facilities are ready for use and maintained to the highest standard. Her talents are many. She literally has helped CU put her “best foot” forward for over 30 years!”
Mary has the distinction of working with six Chowan University President’s: Dr. Bruce Whitaker, Dr. Jerry Jackson, Dr. Herman Collier (interim), Dr. Stanley Lott, Dr. M. Christopher White, and Dr. Kirk Peterson. Her commitment to Chowan and her mission certainly has not gone unnoticed. Her loyalty and dedication are second to none. Mary has had a front-row seat with the growth and development of this great University and we recognize her devotion over all of these years.
The award was established in 2002 through the vision of the late Jewell Faye Glover, Chowan Trustee, of Seaboard, NC. The Spirit of Chowan Award is given to those few individuals in the Chowan community whose service to others is exemplary, whose honesty and integrity are unquestioned, and who live out in their lives the servant-hood of Jesus the Christ. To date, this is only the 13th time the award has been presented.
Join us in congratulating Mary Breeden in receiving the well-deserved Spirit of Chowan Award!
Former Spirit of Chowan Award Recipients:
Genevieve T. Greer, former Student 2002
Sami El-Massarani, former Food Service Director 2004
Syble Shellito, Director of Academic Success, 2006
Andrea E. Eason, Former Dean School of Business 2009
Lindsay C. Comstock, Graduate (2003), 2011
M. Christopher White, Former President, 2012
Linda Fleming White, Former First Lady, 2012
Randy Harrell, former Vice President of Student Affairs, 2014
Hargus and Doris Taylor, former Chair of Religion and Whitaker Library Staff, 2015
Garth Faile, former Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, 2016
John M. Tayloe, Assistant to the President and Executive Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, 2017
W. Frank Rose, Jr., Board of Trustees Chair, 2018