A Message from the Board of Trustees | July 2, 2020
Below is a message from Chairman W. Frank Rose Jr., and the Board of Trustees:
One of the important cornerstones of a University is academic freedom, where ideas should be openly discussed and debated, allowing both sides of an issue to be heard. The Board of Trustees acted in true liberal arts practice by listening and learning, then having a thoughtful discussion to make an informed decision regarding the renaming of the Helms Center.
After consideration of the impact on current students, faculty, staff, alumni, admissions, and fundraising, and due to the perception of many that positions taken by Senator Helms were not in keeping with the current mission of Chowan University, the Chowan University Board of Trustees has decided to rename the Helms Center the Hawks Athletic Center.
The new name of the athletic center is in recognition that the building has had significant renovations in recent years, and is a central building for our Hawks competition. Recent renovations include a new basketball court, aquatic center, weight room, esports room, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and roof.
The Board of Trustees serves as the governing body of the University and has led a struggling college to now a successful University that has transformed many lives and seeks to continue to move forward in lux et veritas and faith in the future of our students, both current and future.