University-wide Awards
The Order of the Silver Feather is an honorary service fraternity, the purpose of which is to give recognition to those students who have been especially outstanding in their service to the campus community and whose loyalty to Chowan University has been extremely noteworthy. Not more than six students are selected each year, these having been nominated by members of the faculty and staff. Those persons being inducted are Vaughn Byrd, Rodney Countryman, LeAnne Crabtree, Sarah Davis, LaTarryl Hall, Alisha Mobley, and Kinsey Modlin.
The Faith in Your Future Award is presented annually to a student who best exemplifies the university’s mission and vision by consistently demonstrating the ability to achieve his or her greatest potential in learning and service to the Chowan community. The recipient is Melissa Hernandez.
The Merit Award is presented to a graduating senior judged to have achieved at a high academic level in spite of obstacles which would have deterred or defeated a less determined or devoted individual. The Merit Award is presented to Shannon Lassiter.
The Estelle Thigpen Superior Citizenship Award is provided to recognize that student who has been an exemplary citizen within the university community throughout the year. This award is given for the contribution of time, effort and energy for the benefit of the student body. The award is presented to Sarah Davis and LaTarryl Hall.
The Best All Around Student must be a graduating senior who has achieved academically, excelled in extra-curricular activities, exhibited leadership ability among his or her fellow students, and sought to attain the ideals – academic and otherwise – for which the university stands. The recipient of the award is Christina Thomas.