Conjuring images of dusty landscapes spotted with cactus and tumbleweeds, gunslingers squinting into the sun at high noon, and poker game brawls that spill out of the saloon and into the streets, Professor of English Dr. John Davis will present “More of a Stranger Than Fiction: Evolution of the Western Genre” as he hosts the first Chowan […]
Chowan to Host Wind Quintet
Join Chowan University on Sunday, September 27th at 3:30 pm in Briley Recital Hall as we host the Hampton Roads Wind Quintet. Briley Recital Hall is Chowan’s recently renovated performance space located on the first floor of the Music Department’s Daniel Hall. The concert is free and open to the public. The Hampton Roads Woodwind Quintet […]
Chowan and Northeast Collaborative to host 100+ New Teachers
The Collaborative to Support Initially Licensed Professionals, also known as the Northeast Collaborative, is kicking off their 24th year with local events including a Fall Drive-In Conference at Chowan University on Saturday, September 26th. The conference is open to members within the Northeast Collaborative’s 14 school systems, including Hertford, Halifax, Bertie and Gates among others, and […]