Dr. Heather McGuire
Distinguished Professor of Biology; Chair, Department of Biology
I am a wildlife biologist with an interest in the conservation and management of rare or endangered animal populations. I have extensive field experience, and believe that the best classrooms and laboratories have no walls or doors.
- PhD, Wildlife and Fisheries Science, Louisiana State University
- MA, Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science at the College of William and Mary
- BA, Biology, University of Rochester
Academic & Scholarly Achievements
- 2012 Excellence in Teaching Award, Chowan University
- General Biology
- Limnology
- Marine Biology
- Wildlife and Fisheries Biology
- Wetlands Biology
- Vertebrate Natural History
- Ecology Field Camp
- Senior Seminar
- Directed Research
McGuire, H.L., S.S. Taylor, and F.H. Sheldon. 2019. Evaluating the taxonomic status of the Great White Heron (Ardea herodias occidentalis) using morphological, behavioral and genetic evidence. Auk:Ornithological Advances 136(1) DOI:10.1093/auk/uky010
Dame, J.K., and H.L. McGuire. 2018. Spatial and biogeomorphic properties of oligohaline marshes in Currituck Sound. Final Report, 2015-2016 Community Collaborative Research Grant, Project Number 16-CCRG-4, North Carolina Sea Grant, Raleigh, NC
Dame, J., and H. McGuire. 2017. Collaborative research on the Outer Banks. Coastwatch. Magazine, North Carolina Sea Grant. Winter 2017: 19-20.
McGuire, Heather L., and Mohamed A. F. Noor. 2002. Microsatellite loci for great white herons and great blue herons (Aves, Ardeidae, Ardea herodias). Molecular Ecology Notes 2(2): 170-173.
McGuire, Heather L. 2002. Taxonomic status of the Great White Heron (Ardea herodias occidentalis): an analysis of behavioral, genetic, and morphometric evidence. Final Report. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
Dame, J.K. and H.L. McGuire. 1994. Inventory of habitat and survey of nesting pairs of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) within Redwood National Park. U.S. Department of the interior. Redwood National Park, Arcata, CA. 51 pp.
McGuire, H.L., S.S. Taylor, and F.H. Sheldon. 2018. Assessing the taxonomic status of the Great White Heron (Ardea herodias occidentalis) with genetic, morphological, and behavioral data. Poster Presentation, 27th International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 19-26 August
Dame, J.K. and H.L. McGuire. 2018. Marsh response to sea level rise in Currituck Sound, North Carolina. Poster Presentation. 2018 North Landing River/Albemarle Sound Estuarine Symposium. Virginia Beach Convention Center, Virginia Beach, VA, 19 April
Dame, J.K. and H.L. McGuire. 2018. Experiential learning through research and monitoring of coastal habitats. Poster Presentation. 2018 North Landing River/Albemarle Sound Estuarine Symposium. Virginia Beach Convention Center, Virginia Beach, VA, 19 April.
Dame, J.K. and H.L. McGuire. 2018. Marsh response to sea level rise in Currituck Sound, North Carolina. Poster Presentation. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Rehoboth Beach, DE, 05-07 April
Dame, J.K., and H.L. McGuire. 2017. Spatial and biogeomorphic properties of marshes in Currituck Sound. Poster presentation. 2017 Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Symposium, Raleigh, NC, 01 November
Dame, J.K., and H.L. McGuire. 2016. Linking climate change and biodiversity through experiential learning at Chowan University. Poster presentation. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 10-14 January
Dame, J.K., H.L. McGuire, C.L. Wack, N.K. Parker, J.F. Wilde, and A.L. Kerns. 2014. Integrating biodiversity monitoring with undergraduate education. Poster presentation. Symposium: biodiversity responses to climate change – perspectives from the southeastern US. Center for Biodiversity, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, 14-15 March
Professional Experience
Professor of Biology and Chair, Department of Biology, Chowan University, Murfreesboro, NC
Associate Professor of Biology and Chair, Department of Biology, Chowan University
Assistant Professor of Biology, Department of Biology, Chowan University
Visiting Assistant Professor, East Carolina University, Department of Biology, Greenville, NC
Field Assistant, Delta Waterfowl Foundation, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada
Wildlife Biologist, United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Redwood National Park, Research and Resources Management Division, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Orick, CA
Instructor, Humboldt State University, Department of Natural Resources Planning and Interpretation, Arcata, CA
Field Assistant (Wildlife Management), United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Steese White Mountains District Office, Fairbanks, AK
Marine Scientist, College of William and Mary, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), Department of Biological Oceanography, Gloucester Point, VA