Categories: Program Type

Business Administration, cybersecurity

We aim to redefine excellence in cybersecurity knowledge, arming our students with cutting-edge knowledge and hands-on experience to adapt and safeguard against evolving digital threats.

Biology, Ecology and Environmental

Ecology and environmental biology encompass the entire hierarchy of biological organization from molecules and cells to communities and ecosystems.

Exercise Science, Pre-Athletic Training

Exercise Science

If you want to be an athletic trainer or if you’ve watched in awe of ESPN’s Sport Science segments and want to work in sports and fitness, Chowan University’s Exercise Science concentration could be what you want.

Exercise Science, Pre-Physical Therapy

Exercise Science

If you want to be an athletic trainer or if you’ve watched in awe of ESPN’s Sport Science segments and want to work in sports and fitness, Chowan University’s Exercise Science concentration could be what you want.

Christian studies

With a major or minor in religious studies, you will learn to read texts closely, think critically, and write clearly.

Residency Licensure

Educational Studies

Education Studies is a flexible program that allows students to participate in and learn from Education courses as well as exploring other interests. 

Education Minor

Students in the Tutoring Center

An Education Minor would allow students to have some course work in Education and perhaps develop their talents in the field.

Educational Studies

Educational Studies

Education Studies is a flexible program that allows students to participate in and learn from Education courses as well as exploring other interests. 



Add the coaching minor to your degree and turn your passion for the game into a passion for teaching and coaching others.

Sport Management

Dr Yoon

Choosing Chowan University’s Sports Management concentration or minor will give you a foundation in Business Administration.