Chowan Scores High in National Survey
According to the official results of the National Survey of Student Engagement, Chowan University’s survey scores place the historic institution above the average of other private colleges in the southeast region.
Chowan University rises above the survey averages in learning strategies, quantitative reasoning, and effective teaching practices in comparison with other southeastern private colleges. Chowan University scored significantly higher above average in collaborative learning, student-faculty interaction, and supportive environment. These engagement indicators can be grouped together to emphasize major areas of campus life such as academic challenge, learning with peers, experience with faculty, and overall campus environment.
Chowan seniors averaged 88% in high impact practices, a full 30% above the southeastern private average. High impact practices include learning community, service learning, research with faculty, internships, study abroad and culminating senior experiences. These high impact practices have a positive association with student learning and retention, and a major influence on student engagement such as the amount of time put into studies and other activities, as well as how the college facilitates student participation.
The results of the national survey also show that Chowan University seniors are more challenged and have a higher academic emphasis than other private colleges in our region, with seniors averaging a 5% higher response for what extent their courses challenge them to do their best work and an 8% higher academic emphasis average for how much their institutions emphasize spending significant time on academic work or studying.
These survey results go to enhance the quality of undergraduate education offered at Chowan University and are used to determine new and improved approaches to enhancing student engagement. Consistent record-breaking enrollments and an increased rate of returning students result from Chowan’s latest efforts of a more personal student support program.
Through the growth of our Academic Success program, refining financial aid, building campus ministry involvement, upgrading athletic facilities, and expanding student housing, the freshmen to sophomore retention rate has increased by 4% this year and 12% in the last three years.
By acting upon the results of this national survey, Chowan University ensures that it will continue to remain one of the fastest-growing private universities in North Carolina.