GPA Converter and Calculator

Chowan University uses the 4.0 grading scale to evaluate candidates for admission and academic scholarships. If your high school does not use the 4.0 grading scale, you can use the GPA converter below.

To use the GPA converter, you will need your cumulative high school GPA and your most recent high school transcript. Your cumulative GPA reflects your overall performance and includes all completed coursework listed on your transcript.

If you have any questions about converting your cumulative GPA, please contact your Chowan University admission counselor.

GPA Scale Converter

GPA Scale Converter

Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale

GPA Table
Percent Grade 4.0 Scale
97-100 4.0
93-96 4.0
90-92 3.7
87-89 3.3
83-86 3.0
80-82 2.7
77-79 2.3
73-76 2.0
70-72 1.7
67-69 1.3
65-66 1.0
Below 65 0.0

GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator

Course Name Grade (Letter or Numeric) Credits

Questions? Contact Admissions

Toll-free: (888) 4-CHOWAN
Main number: (252) 398-6230
Text us at: (252) 713-4267

Chowan University
Office of Admissions
One University Place
Murfreesboro, NC 27855


College Fair Information:

Meet Admissions

Taylor Furlough
Taylor Furlough
Director of Admissions
Shelley Greene
Dr. Shelley Greene
VP for Enrollment and Advancement
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Kayleigh Lance
Enrollment Advisor
Shonna Lassiter
Shonna Lassiter
Admissions Counselor for Transfer, Adult Learner and Graduate Students
Charles Markum
Enrollment Advisor
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Heather Morton
Enrollment Advisor
Ashlee Perry
AshleƩ Perry
Admissions Operations Coordinator