1:00 p.m. Guests who are on the platform (stage) and processing, meet in the Esports Room (upstairs Hawks Athletic Center – 757 Union Street) to change for the inauguration.
1:00 p.m. Delegates from visiting colleges/university and are in the procession should meet in the Esports Room (upstairs Hawks Athletic Center – 757 Union Street).
1:45 p.m. Chowan faculty/staff who are in the procession should meet in the Esports Room (upstairs Hawks Athletic Center – 757 Union Street).
1:15 p.m. Special guests who are not in the procession, arrive at the Hawks Athletic Center – (757 Union Street) to be ushered to your seats. This includes friends and family of Dr. Thomas and elected officials.
2:00 p.m. Inauguration at Hawks Athletic Center Begins
Dress code: Business
3:45 p.m. Refreshments following the inauguration in front of the Hawks Athletic Center
View the inauguration live stream by clicking here
View the Friday worship service live stream by clicking here
PARKING for all guests – adjacent to the Hawks Athletic Center, the Vincent Soccer/Lacrosse Athletic Center and across at the Horner Building across Union Street. Golf Carts are available to transport from your car.
Handicapped parking is available adjacent to the Hawks Athletic Center as marked.